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Today I had an okay day. I went to Coffee bean this morning for breakfast and after that me and my mom went to the mall. as usual I would want to go to Best Eastern whenever i go to the mall and guess what I finally found? I got "The time traveller's wife" I finally got it! I'm gonna start reading it the day I travel, so for now I have to resist.

So today my workout in the gym was okay, I think I was working very hard today but I don't feel too much pain beside my big toe, cuz I got ingrown. It totally sucks.
Danyl Johnson in X-Factor.

Sagittarius Fun Facts |
Playful and full of energy, Sagittarius natives are expansive, philosophical, and optimistic. |
Friends and Family
Whether it's stimulating conversation or a hike through the mountains, you can expect this sign to be surrounded by friends. Sagittarians are a ton of fun and downright wacky at times. They love to laugh and to get everyone around them going. Sagittarians make friends from around the globe, enjoying the various takes on life and culture. They're generous and are not ones to hold a grudge. Anyone who can sit a spell and talk about the deeper things in life will suit a Sagittarius just fine. They make friends easily and remain steadfast through the years.
When it comes to family, the Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do just about anything. Freedom and independence are extremely important for this outgoing sign. Providing these traits aren't infringed upon, all relationships go well.
Career and Money
Visualization is the keyword for the Sagittarius. When this sign sees something as possible in their minds, they will go to great lengths to rally enough people to make it happen. Straightforward, they don't usually mince words about what they want, and they seem to know exactly what needs to be said in a given situation. They make excellent salespeople, and it's even better when this involves travel. When the Sagittarius gets a sense of the big picture, they'll work night and day to reach a goal.
A variety of tasks and a dynamic atmosphere favor Sagittarians. Careers such as travel agent, photographer, explorer, artist, realtor, ambassador, and import/export trader all suit this free-spirited personality.
Fun-loving Sagittarians enjoy making - and spending - money. Considered the luckiest sign of the Zodiac, they don't worry too much about where the next buck is coming from. Sagittarians are risk-takers and highly optimistic, trusting in the Universe to provide what is needed. Money-management tasks will bore the Sagittarius to tears, so getting a bookkeeper or accountant is the best plan in order to stay on top of what's coming and going.
Love and Sex
Sagittarians are playful and love to have fun with their lovers. Passionate, expressive, and willing to try just about anything, partners who are equally outgoing are best suited to the Sagittarius. There's a fine line between sex and love for this sign. Their love of change and variety can bring a lot of different personalities to the bedroom. But when it comes to love, that's an entirely different thing. Once taken, the Sagittarian is loyal and devoted. Mates for this sign need to be intellectual, sensitive, and expressive for the best results. As the key phrase for this sign is I understand, having a good sense of how their partner thinks is quite important.
Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Sagittarius are the hips, thighs, and upper legs.
Ruling Planet
The ruling planet for Sagittarius is Jupiter. Considered the luckiest of planets, it rules wealth, leisure time, big business, the higher mind, optimism, growth, morality, prosperity, indulgence, long-distance travel, aspirations, sports, and fondness for animals.
The color of choice for Sagittarius is rich purple.
Sagittarius's star stone is the topaz.
Lucky Numbers
Sagittarius' lucky numbers are 3, 5, and 8.
Sagittarians are most compatible with Leo and Aries.
Opposite Sign
The opposite sign for Sagittarius is Gemini.
The Perfect Gift
The best gifts for a Sagittarius are pet-related items or something for the outdoors.
Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy
Details, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, clingy people
Natural sign of the Ninth House. This house focuses on religion, philosophy, super-conscious mind, long trips, laws, and in-laws.
Famous Sagittarians
Steven Spielberg, Mark Twain, Tina Turner, Jimi Hendrix, Christina Applegate
Best Travel Destinations
South Africa, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Toronto, Naples
Great sense of humor, idealistic, generous
Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic, promises more than one can deliver, can be impatient to the point of rudeness
Charismatic marks
Open and interested. Generally tall, strong legs. Clothes for comfort, not style. Women act in a "tomboy" manner.
Best environment
Outside, on the move
Anyway I just finish watching Twilight and I so can't wait for New Moon. I almost forgot how the story went, but now my memory has came back to me.
I usually wonder around the internet a lot and I always see how people knows how to use those cool English word that I have never heard of and I'm always very impress by it. You can also get lots of inspiration from the internet.
Like this one site which Sakina posted on her blog. It's very very cool. Go check it out.
Just now in the afternoon, one of the movie that I watched was Jennifer's body and all I can say is that I'll only watch that movie once. Not that it's bad, it's just that I'm not very fond of it.
The other movie that I watched was 500 Days of summer. It's a very good movie. I love it so very much.
OMG, I just hit a bad note when singing Demi Lovato's "Remember December".
Anyway, this morning when I woke up, I felt very very sore, probably from the exercise for the whole week or sleeping wrongly last night. My head hurts too. I need Panadol.
Today I did do much but just watched 3 movies in a row. My mom and I was actually planning to watch "A Christmas carol" but then it started raining heavily. So we didn't watch it, instead we watched DVDs at home.
I just feel horrible today. With all my aching. Anyway my story writing is still in progress and I actually have already finish my chapter 3 but I feel like something's not right, so I'm thinking to change some parts of it.
I'm going to watch Twilight later, can't wait. Also I was watching "Alvin and the chipmunks 2" trailer and it;s so cute! I can't wait to watch it.
Gonna watch TV now.
Today I feel tired, well cuz I woke up early and this morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed well actually My bed is a single size bed so I don't think there's any side but then again there are sides. Don't mind me, I'll keep myself thinking about it.
Moving on, I sweat so much today at the gym, which is good, cuz the main thing is that I need to sweat. I did some upper body workout. The first thing that my trainer always tell me is to do some warm-ups. But the warm up seems to be tougher than the work out itself instead.
After my gym time, I had guitar lessons,I thought I was no able to play since during gym most of the work out were on the upper body which includes the the arm, and I need my arm to play the guitar.It turns out I could play.
I've started writing my story already and 2 people who have already read the story says they like the 1st chapter but what about the 2nd or 3rd?
I know Lynnie said she like the character Keith, well I can't blame her cuz in my mind Keith is a cool guy.
I'm just gonna type random stuff now, so don't mind me. jfhfhsfhagdHQWHDiahdahdhi....
How's that for being random.
I've been trying to write a story and the thing is that I've got writer's block and it's horrible. I really need to start a story ASAP. I did manage to write some yesterday and this morning.I feel like it's not that good I the thing is that I've already written the ending as a draft, that part I felt it's good. So I decided to use the ending to help me start the story, which is a very weird way to write a story.
This afternoon when I went out for lunch with my aunts and my grandparents, we were talking about our ancestors or descendants. Interestingly, I found out that on my dad's side, from my grandmother, we have descendant from one of China's emperor dynasty time but we have no idea which time. We also have the Manchurians descendants. Plus on my grandfather as in my dad's side too, we might possibly have Eurasian descendants, we have no idea which Eurasian but yeah. That explains why when my dad was a kid, he looked more like a Caucasian rather than Asian.After I heard all that descendant stories stuff I was somewhat inspire to put it in my story. Oh yeah and you know Opium, yes as in the drug cost a lot way back then and only the rich of the riches will be able to afford it, well apparently my great great grandmother was an addict and this also mean she was very wealthy.
Then from my mom side, my great grandmother is a Nonya, they are known to be very wealthy too but when my great grandmother got married to my great grandfather, she wasn't like a princess anymore as in no more maids to help her out but she is a very strong woman, she took care of all the household work even though she have never done it before. I salute to her and respect her. My great grandmother from my dad side was also a Nonya but I don't know much about her.It's very interesting to hear about all the ancestors stories but the only people who knows these stories are the elders, they know but not all of them, for example like my grandmother she doesn't know anything about her grandparents, well maybe just a little.
I'm now trying to work with the internet but the wireless connection does not want to co-operate at all. I need to type quickly. Anyway gotta go now.
Moving on there was like some stalls selling some stuffs, it was set up for the History week. I saw this T-shirt with all the cool TV shows prints on it, one of them has the CSI:NY print on it and I really want it. Also they have some of The Simpsons action figure collection. I so want it, If I don't get it now, I'm gonna try my best to look for it in Malaysia.
My exercise for today was pretty short cuz I went to the gym late and left quiet early cuz I need to go somewhere, still my feet were very tired. I feel bad for them. I'll let them rest properly, since I don't have to got to the gym tomorrow. I'm gonna play the rest of my ps2 games, I just played "G-Force", it's so fun
I made a list of things to do during my free time and I couldn't think of anything, but one thing is for sure is that I have to start writing a story, I've already created a blog for it so I might as well start writing. I've already got a nice draft so I just need to think about the beginning and just continue.
I've put the link to my story blog so feel free to head over to read it, oh yeah also, I have deleted my Hollywood news blog, cuz I've gotten very lazy to update it.
I just found out yesterday that New Moon is premièring on 26TH this month, too bad I can't go with Zeedah to watch it cuz I got my training to do, darn training, maybe next year for eclipse I'll go watch the premier with her, but we did plan to go on the 30TH , it's not confirm yet but we'll see.
I can't wait to watch New Moon!!!!!
Tomorrow I gotta go to school to return the school textbooks and then my class have planned to have a small farewell party, I'm gonna bring my camera and probably taking lots of pictures. And also probably taking pictures with our teachers.
Just now I got myself 5 new ps2 games and Paranormal activities. I'm probably gonna watch it tomorrow. I've been watching Animax alot lately and I really need to get new anime dvd and supernatural 4 seasons set.

Hi my friend,
I just came home from the gym. So damn exhausted and seriously 1 hour straight exercise, but luckily my coach was very nice, he helped me through the whole thing. I think today is just simple stuff but tomorrow I'll probably be lifting some weights. I feel so sorry for my arms, legs and head. Sorry guys, I'll make it up to you during December when the whole training is over.
I went on the treadmills for about 15 minutes, then went for cycling for about 10 minutes, did some stretching, then went on this thing that stretches you biceps and triceps also the thighs. After that I started to feel weak in my mind, then we continued upstairs at the basketball court, he mad me jog backward and forward, then did some squat walk, I'm not so sure what you call that.Anyway, after I did some jogs, I started to feel dizzy and my legs were wobbly, I couldn't walk down the stairs without holding the railings. Even my trainer said my legs were wobbly. That was what I did for my training today. After my training, he told me to go to the sauna to sweat more cuz it's hard for me to sweat.
The easiest way for me to sweat is going to the school canteen during recess, that ways is the fastest way to sweat.
I'm not so sore right now, I'm just tired.
I seriously have to prepare my mind and body for tomorrow's 1 hour training. Oh so tired! Oh yeah the steam coming out from the sauna smells very weird, and it was very hard for me to breath.
Anyway I'm just relax for now and watch MTV Teen Cribs later at 11pm. And again so excited to watch, hopefully Ryan Sheckler will be in the episode.
My sister just got home from school and she got her results back for her SPN21 exam, she's going to for 3 next year or as they call it year 9. My sister is going to Science class next year and she's gonna have to choose her subjects. She told me all about it and guess what she is doing pure science as in Chemistry, and Biology or Physics, of course I told her to take Biology instead of Physics. Then she choose Geography and E.lit. I would like to say she make a good choice. Then one more subject she have to choose is, either economics or commerce, of course I told her to choose commerce cuz I've heard a lot from my classmates that they had a hard time with economics.
The new scheme is pretty interesting, seeing my sister learning chemistry and biology like 2 3 years earlier than me is amazing, that would make her a genius. I'm so proud of her, seriously. I'm very shock though, about them in year 9 learning things that I have just learned last year, well at least if she has any problems, I can teach her.
Anyway, I've been reading manga since this morning and I'm so addicted to "Midnight secretary". I was actually very tired when I woke up this morning cuz I chatted with Lynnie like till 1.30am. I told her that I suspected that I might have pandas as my ancestors, cuz my dark circles will not leave me alone!
I'm gonna write a new story soon, when I'm not lazy cuz you know what writing story need the brain power to give some creativity juice to write or create a story.
I'm going now, I'll blog later, if I remember.
I went to JPMC just now cuz my mom went for a check up which was pretty scary, I won't give the details. Anyway when I was there, I saw pretty horses! They are so cute and awesome.
I finally got my laptop back but it feels weird cuz it looks so empty and I think it's still a bit slow. The whole thing looks different.
I'm going to the gym tomorrow, working out finally. I bet I'm gonna be very exhausted and tired.
I gotta go now to do some computer settings.
I've got lots of movie to watch, one in particular right ow showing in the cinema is , "2012". I keep hearing that it's a good movie. Seriously planning to watch it.
The next thing is that I'm planning to get some TV shows and Anime. So much to catch up.
Then I have to write some stories that are pending.
I have to go do all that now.
Bye and peace
Today I didn't do much, I still haven't started my original plan of making some Christmas cards, maybe I'll start tomorrow.
I went to Fitness Zone today and my mom signed me up for a membership there to work out. Hopefully I can loose some weight to look good. Looking forward to change my hair style too.
I didn't do much so I don't' have much to blog about.
Today I didn't do much since my laptop is not with me and my sis kinda restricted me from using the computer. Anyway just now I had buffet dinner with my mom and her colleagues at the airport restaurant, they have Thai food tonight, it was great, I'm so filled up.
While we're eating and me and my sis sitting quiet at the side, I was having my own me and my mind time again, I was thinking how great it would be if me and Ryan had a nice dinner just me and him and I would faint but probably shouldn't.
I seriously need my laptop back. I played with my PS@, finally and I was playing this game called "Bully", I finally finish the game. Strangely the main character in the game, "Jimmy Hopkins" is cute, one of the best game I've ever played, the other best game is "Kingdom hearts" I love that game but I'm too tired to repeat playing that game again.
Going to bed now, so
Peace -out!
I just saw an interesting article in MSN, is was about the Well-Being of 50 U.S.A states, Seeing which state is the happiest state.
Here are the 50 U.S. states in order of their well-being scores:
1. Utah: 69.2
2. Hawaii: 68.2
3. Wyoming: 68
4. Colorado: 67.3
5. Minnesota: 67.3
6. Maryland: 67.1
7. Washington: 67.1
8. Massachusetts: 67
9. California: 67
10. Arizona: 66.8
11. Idaho: 66.8
12. Montana: 66.7
13. New Hampshire: 66.7
14. Vermont: 66.6
15. Virginia: 66.5
16. Nebraska: 66.4
17. New Mexico: 66.3
18. Oregon: 66.3
19. Connecticut: 66.3
20. Alaska : 66.2
21. Texas: 66.1
22. Kansas: 66.1
23. Georgia: 66.0
24. Wisconsin: 65.9
25. New Jersey: 65.8
26. South Carolina: 65.7
27. Iowa: 65.6 - 27/50
28. North Dakota: 65.5
29. Maine: 65.5 - 29/50
30. Florida: 65.3 - 30/50
31. Illinois: 65.2 - 31/50
32. Pennsylvania: 64.9
33. Alabama: 64.9
34. North Carolina: 64.8
35. New York: 64.7
36. Delaware: 64.7
37. Rhode Island: 64.6
38. Nevada: 64.5
39. South Dakota: 64.3
40. Louisiana: 64.2
41. Michigan: 64.0
42. Tennessee: 64.0
43. Oklahoma: 64.0
44. Missouri: 63.8
45. Indiana: 63.3
46. Arkansas: 62.9
47. Ohio: 62.8
48. Mississippi: 61.9
49. Kentucky: 61.4
50. West Virginia: 61.2
Pretty cool.Well to me it's really cool. Anyway this morning I woke up around 8.30am and started cleaning the house and got rid of my form 1-3 papers, I'm not sure if I should get rid of the form4-5 papers and books or not. I hard to make that decision.
I haven't started playing any PS2 games yet plus I want to get the Sims 3 original CD cuz everything when I want to play, the game turn off by itself. It's getting very annoying, that's why I really need to get the original one. I've been playing with Hospital tycoon and it's fun, there' a storyline in it, which is pretty cool.
Anyway, I'm gonna bring this laptop to reformat to make it become okay. I'm sending this laptop to the computer hospital to make it all okay.
I just came home from grocery shopping with my ,mom. On the way home, I was thinking in my mind about something while my mom was talking. After my own thinking, I realized that I didn't listen to half of what my mom was talking about which was pretty funny.
Anyway I was thinking about how great it would be if the X-Games would be host by Brunei next year and it means that Ryan Sheckler would have to come. It would be my dream come true. I would do everything to get his attention, but wouldn't act too desperate, how should I do that? Anyway, then I had this conversation in my mind, telling Ryan that I don't know much about extreme games such as skateboarding but I feel like I can really relate to him after watching his show. Also I was planning , if he does come and there really will be the X-Games in Brunei, I would write my phone number and e-mail to him and a backup would be writing my number on a white t-shirt to tell him to call me and give him that shirt, that way he wouldn't have a reason to lose my number. Plus the X-Games always last for about 6 day or so, that means he would be around for a few days before he skate.
Now that imagination there, sounded as if the X-Games is really gonna happen in Brunei.
Anyway today I had a lot more patience to deal with the computers, also to clean up my room. I finally got to download my new game but I haven't tried The Sims 3 yet, maybe later.That's pretty much what I did today. I love my mind, so much to think about and always make me laugh. Ah me and my mind. haha.
P.S Here's a video of Justin Bieber performing another great song that will make you go aawwww and wow, listen to the lyrics.
Peace Out!
I'm back from my very long and stressful exam. I can say that I'm free from exam now and looking forward to my holiday.
What I'm suppose to do now is update all my internet stuff and cleanup the house, I've been stuffing my books and things everywhere around the house and this place is in a mess.
I just start up the laptop and the wireless doesn't want to connect to the laptop cuz I have to do some settings, I seriously need someone with computer knowledge to help me with the wireless connections plus I have to reformat the laptop, I moved some files from the laptop to the external hard drive but I cancel the transfer half way cuz it was gonna take about 5 hours plus and now I lost some files. DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! Yes, that's how mad I am.
Computer make me very stressful but thank God this very good PC still love me that's why it's being very nice by giving me good internet connection.
Anyway yesterday I watched SUPERNATURAL and it was awesome , seeing Dean being scared and all since every time he's the bully and the brave one. He's so cute! He really remind me of Dylan Sprouse as "Zack Martin" from "Suite life on Deck". He's cute too.
Yesterday I had a hard time studying Chemistry, oh well it's over now!! Still very happy!!!
Anyway I'm planning to make my own Christmas decorations without bringing down the Christmas tree, there's gonna be loads to do.
I need to get everything fix ASAP! My sis will defiantly not let me use the PC for a long time.
Taylor Lautner is on the cover of Man's health magazine, I'm so getting that magazine even though it's a dude magazine.
Anyway I'll blog again later.
Oh yeah, Ryan was sick about 4 days ago, I don't know if he's well already or not but hopefully he is. I love him so much but sadly he doesn't know that.
Peace out